“Every once in a while, as you chase after making an impact you get to experience the moment it all comes together, all of the planning, all of the risk and all of the work. All of that creates something pretty special”

Sire: MP 22
Dam: KP 204-130314
Drop: June 2017
Weight: 132kg
Neil at 5 years of age is proving to be one of the most influential poll sires that Charinga has bred. He has matured into a magnificent sire with sound constitution and structure, he has perfect purity and has retained his silky soft loose muzzle. He is a genuine Pure Poll.
An exciting sire with an exceptionally rich and loose skin. With density, softness and growing great length, he has a very special productive skin that is rich, loose and silky soft with a bold deep crimp and incredible alignment . As a 3 year old he cut an outstanding16.2kg of 19 mic fleece with only 7 months growth.
His sons at Charinga and Banavie where crackers and are now out in the stud and commercial industry.
Test Date Micron SD CV CF
June 2018 19.5 3.2 16.4 99.7 %
July 2019 18.6 2.7 14.5 100 %
July 2020 19.0 2.8 15.0 99.8%

Sire: IMPERIAL 141
Drop: April 2017
Weight: 150 KG (July 19)
Poll Test: PP
Test Date: May 2017
Micron: 21.9
SD: 3.1
CV: 14.2
CF: 99.8%
Purchased from the Gooding Family’s East Mundulla Merino Stud, at Katanning Ram Sale in 2017 “Masterbuilt” is an ET bred Sire purchased for his excellent bone and scale.
He is very tall and correct with great neck extension and straight backline. His wool is soft, lustrous and bold. Masterbuilt has become a foundation sire here at Banavie, we have used him in ET, AI and naturally.
Masterbuilt has become a foundation sire here at Banavie, we have used him in ET, AI and naturally. Masterbuilt lambs will be on display at our field day and sons on offer in 2021. Semen has been collected and sold already into 3 states. A real impact sire which will take Poll breeding in the right direction.
"EXQUISITE" Neil 190027

Sire: Charinga 009 "Neil"
Dam: "Will" 130472
Drop: April 2019
Weight: 131kg
Test Date Micron SD CV CF
July 2020 18.6 3.2 15.4 99.8%
June 2021 18.4 2.7 15.6 99.9 %
This ET Bred semen sire has matured into a proud upstanding sire with softness and purity. He has a rich, lustrous wool that has a true horseshoe crimp with exquisite softness, cutting 14.1 kg with only 7 months growth.
He has an extremely soft pure muzzle with great depth of jaw, he stands proud with very good hocks and correct feet.
His mother is a very big ewe with great structural correctness and is a daughter of Willandra GP. His lambs are outstanding for softness richness and skin quality.
“Big Boy” Masterbuilt 190423

Dam: Gowandale 160325
Drop: June 2019
Poll Test: PP
Weight: 109.5Kg & Gaining
Micron: 20.9
SD: 3.4
CV: 15.4
CF: 99.3
Big Boy has grown into a big upstanding Sire with excellent structure and spring of rib. This interesting semen sire has exceptional width and stands extremely square like his father. He has a tremendous cover of soft bright wool, cutting 11.7kg with 7 months wool. A great dual-purpose sire and PP Bred.
This interesting semen sire has lovely coverage and exceptional width, as well as standing very square like his father. He is a very big sheep with great structure and spring of rib. He stands correct on his feet. A very heavy cutting sheep with a clean, dry poll that will make a great dual purpose sire.
"BIG DAVE" 190171

Dam: Rifle 160156
Poll Test: PP
Micron: 20.9
SD: 3.0
CV: 16.3
CF: 98.9
WoolCut: 139%
Fat: 8
EMD: 37
Huge young sire. He was 141kg with Lambs teeth on inspection day 2020. Extra muscle and fat. Big staple length with excellent width through the body. He is tall and proud and deep. Excellent bone. Has quick maturity and rare combination of positive fat, positive EMD and positive wool cut. He has been extensively used in ET and AI at both Banavie and Charinga.
YWT: 12.96 (TOP 5%)
PWT: 9.59 (TOP 5%)
YCFW: 35.07 (TOP 5%)
MP+: 171.64 (Top 5%)
FP+: 140.77
DP+: 183.05 (TOP 5%)
YEMD: 0.82
YFAT: 0.35
YSL: 9.76
CUT: 11.5kg 7 Months
Neil 190010

SOLD ON PROPERTY 2020 TO Chris & Pauline Stapleton of Capree Poll Merino Stud for $38000 - SEMEN AVAILABLE
Sire: Charinga 009 "Neil"
Dam: Charinga 130040
Drop: April 2019
Micron: 19.6
SD: 2.9
CV: 14.8
CF: 99.9%


Sire: Pearler 19
Dam: Jonty 125 140173
Drop: May 2017
Micron: 20.2
SD: 3.1
CV: 15.3
CF: 99.6%
LOT 2 $32,000
"HARRY" 160723

Sire: Prince Harrison Tex
Dam: Majestic 130439
Drop: May 2016
Micron: 20.4
SD: 3.0
CV: 14.7
CF: 99.7%
SOLD ON PROPERTY 2017 to Shippen Family, Banyandah Pastoral Company for $42,000 -
Client Testimony: “We are extremely impressed by Harry’s progeny and their ability to get up and going in a tough year and still be able to produce very smart wool throughout heavy drought conditions here in the Riverina” Banyandah Pastoral Company, July 2019
"GILBERT" 170226

A.I Bred
Sire: Jonty 125
Dam: Buddy 23 110309
Drop: June 2017
Weight: 146 (July 2019)
Micron: 17.2
SD: 2.8
CV: 16.3
CF: 99.8%
An upstanding sire with a broad wide, muzzle, lustrous, richly nourished bold horseshoe crimped with density and great fibre alignment. A big sheep that will cut a big fleece with an exceptional test. AI & ET sons are great at Banavie & Charinga.
"TOMMY" 160170

Sire: Jonty 125
Dam: Doc Excell 130253
(Doc 130240's ET Sister
Drop: June 2016
Weight: 121kg
Micron: 19
SD: 3.0
CV: 17
CF: 99.7%
This sire stands square and proud and has a pure, silky soft muzzle. His medium wool is richly nourished, bold crimping with density. A correct and balanced sire with exceptional muscle. Purchased by Don Grant - Gerando Partnership for $32,000 - Semen Available.